Servicepunt (Service Desk)

We are here to talk to you and help you look at questions and topics about HIV and living with HIV from different angles. We offer support and mutual contact and let you know everything about the activities of the HIV Association.

The Servicepunt is open on: Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 14.00 to 22.00.

We can be reached in several ways:

  • You can call us on 020 689 25 77
  • You can email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • You can chat via Whatsapp: 31 6 4319 6269
  • You can ask your question via the website using this form

You can also come along to the Hiv Vereniging every Tuesday from 15.00 to 17.00 (walk-in consultation). We have coffee and tea ready and you can come with your story. The address is Eerste Helmerstraat 17-A3 in Amsterdam.

Contact and information

Contact the Servicepunt at the Hiv Vereniging (Dutch HIV Association) for questions about living with HIV. We support people with HIV – as well as their partners, families, colleagues or professionals – who are looking for information on HIV. Topics can range from medical to social or legal questions. The volunteers always listen to you with empathy and are happy to suggest solutions. 

If the questions are very specialised or complex, we send them to our advocay officers (they act as backup).


Indications from everyday life are very valuable to the Hiv Vereniging. For example, about the delivery of medication, dissatisfaction with treatment, or discrimination. Your indications provide insight into the experiences of people with HIV and gives the Hiv Vereniging the opportunity to solve problems, take action, and draw attention to areas needing improvement. If you have experienced something you would like to bring to our attention, please contact the Servicepunt.

Walk-in consultancy

Every Tuesday there is a walk-in consultancy at the Servicepunt. We want to lower the threshold and be more accessible for people with HIV and their families. The open consultation hour is from 14.00 to 16.00 and is in Amsterdam (Eerste Helmerstraat 17-A3). You can come along with your questions, problems or to share your story. We are ready to serve you a cup of coffee or tea. Are your questions very specialized or complex? Please call the Servicepunt in advance and announce your arrival. We will then make sure that one of the advocates is present to take care of you.


Various groups and communities within the Hiv Vereniging organise activities and get-togethers. In addition, we offer workshop series to people who have recently had their HIV diagnosis, and peer counselling for one on one counesling with a peer. If you register at the Servicepunt, they will be happy to tell you more about what is on offer. 

Awareness of living with HIV

The Hiv Vereniging thinks it is important to bring attention to HIV in a positive way. Awareness is about telling your personal story about living with HIV, or being directly involved. Awareness is an individual form of providing information and offers a target group the opportunity to ask questions. Contact the Servicepunt if you want to organise an awareness event. Here you can find more information about how we spread awareness around HIV (in Dutch). 

The Hiv Vereniging and voluneteerwork

The Servicepunt answers all questions about the Hiv Vereniging and about volunteer work. Here you can already get inspired. 


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