Schrijf je in voor Engelstalige webinar: Migrants and HIV, 9 februari, 19.30 - 20.30 uur

Published: 15 January 2023

De Hiv Vereniging organiseert samen met stichting hiv monitoring het derde seminar. Thema is 'Migranten & hiv'. Let op: deze seminar is in het Engels en daarom is alle informatie hierover verder in het Engels.

The Hiv Vereniging is organizing a series of webinars about living with HIV together with the HIV Monitoring Foundation (SHM). On Thursday 9 February 2023 from 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm Marc van der Valk (SHM) and Reina Foppen (Hiv Vereniging) will discuss the subject migrants and HIV in the Netherlands with table guests

Date and time: Thursday 9 February 2023, 19:30-20:30

Webinar registration is free of charge.The webinar will not be recorded, participation can be anonymous if so desired.

Note: this webinar will be hosted in English. For those who wish to join but do not understand English please reach out to us for recommend translation app(s). Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

REGISTER HERE  - for free

About the webinar

In this webinar Marc van der Valk (HIV Monitoring Foundation, SHM) and Reina Foppen (Hiv Vereniging) will speak with four invited speakers – professionals working in the field of HIV healthcare as well as experienced experts with HIV– on the topic of migrants with HIV in the Netherlands.

The webinar will start with a short presentation on what latest SHM data can tell us about people with HIV from migrant populations in the Netherlands. These data will feed the group discussion.

Topics we aim to discuss include:

  • Dutch legislation related to healthcare services for immigrants and refugees
  • Access to healthcare facilities in the Netherlands
  • Cultural diversity & language barriers
  • Stigma and fear of disclosure
  • What the data show versus what is observed in daily practice

For whom?

  • People with HIV
  • People with HIV with migrant or refugee background
  • Healthcare professionals, researchers, professionals in the field of HIV care and/or prevention
  • Interested individuals

Session chairs

  • Reina Foppen, chair Hiv Vereniging
  • Marc van der Valk, professor, medical specialist infectious diseases, Amsterdam UMC, site AMC, head of outpatient clinic HIV DC Klinieken, Amsterdam; board of HIV Monitoring Foundation (SHM)

 Guest speakers

  • Ard van Sighem, senior researcher SHM
  • Ronald Brands, social & legal advocacy officer Hiv Vereniging
  • Mujuni Dickson, co-founder Stichting African Foundation Against AIDS based in the Netherlands 
  • Barbra, Positive Sister, ShivA
  • Ymkje Stienstra, HIV physician, professor, infectious diseases specialist and clinical epidemiologist, University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG)
This information is useful