Dancing on the beach

Published: 18 April 2017

hand zonKnowing the darker shades of life all too well, I always do my utmost to focus on the lighter & brighter ones. Having returned last week from an amazing month in Thailand, Bali & Gili Air, my heart is still overflowing with joy and gratefulness for all the inspirational encounters & experiences had and shared.

I would prefer not to write about the pains, fevers and other challenges, because life is just too damn short to complain. Despite my failing health I have faced everything head on, with just as much positive spirit and acceptance of what is. Sharing the bright moments keeps me going.  Upon return I took on all of my work awaiting me. Sometimes I forget why my working abilities are estimated at 20% (accounting for my 80% disability). Life itself often gives me so much energy that I sincerely don't realize - or want to know/accept -  that my energy is limited and my health is compromised.

Anyway, as I lay in bed fighting infections and angina, I thank life and everyone in mine for all the love and inspiration you give me to never ever EVER GIVE UP!!! Not on dreams, nor beliefs, love, friendship, family, community, work, ambitions, goals...

Live every day as if it were your last! Without regrets.

Whether in bed, at work or dancing on the beach!


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