Positive Living workshop

Datum 27 mei 2024 tot en met 15 juli 2024

Learn how to give HIV a positive place in your life, meet others who have HIV, and be updated about the latest medical developments. A new Positive Living workshop series will start in Amsterdam on Monday evening, May 27. This workshop series is in English. Join us, it's free.


From May 27, always on Monday evenings. Follow-up dates: June 3 & 17, July 1, 8 & 15.


The series consists of six workshops, given at a fixed time during the week over a period of 7 to 8 weeks.

Each workshop has its own theme. The themes of the six workshops are:

Workshop 1: Introduction

Workshop 2: Medical information

Workshop 3: Your own thoughts

Workshop 4: Relationships, intimacy, sexuality

Workshop 5: The practical issues of having HIV

Workshop 6: Finding new goals

The group

A workshop starts when there are at least five participants. The group preferably consists of seven or eight people, experience shows that this is a good number to share different experiences.

The tutors

Each workshop series is supervised by two permanent supervisors who also have HIV themselves and are trained to guide the workshop series. They prepare the program and ensure that everyone has a chance to speak and feels safe to ask questions.

Register for free

What: Positive Living Workshop Series
When: From Monday, May 27, 2024 (entry from 7:00 PM, start at 7:30 PM, end around 9:30 PM)
Where: HIV Association building, Eerste Helmersstraat 17, 1054 CX, Amsterdam
Cost: none


Then register via the Service Point. Available by telephone on Mon, Tues & Thurs from 2:00 PM to 10:00 PM via 020 – 689 25 77. You can also email Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken., or whatsapp via + 31 6 45 99 42 19.

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